PSYCH 100A Chapter 15: Psych 100A Ch15
Document Summary
Can"t be used for complex null hypotheses. Q depends on the dfw and the number of means. A priori test: test of a null hypothesis selected before the data are collected. Independent samples t test is more powerful than anova and following post hoc tests. Chapter 15 post hoc tests, a priori tests, repeated-measures anova and two-way anova. Anova does not tell us which means are significantly different from which other means. Post hoc tests are performed after a significant anova to explore which means or combinations of means differ from one another. Only used after omnibus anova null hypothesis is rejected. Can"t conduct a t test because it must be done before data is collected because probabilities must be specified before any characteristics of the sample data are known. We can test all possible null hypotheses as long as probability of a type i error is distributed across all those null hypotheses.