REL 1510 Chapter Notes - Chapter 6: Sannyasa, Vanaprastha, Grihastha

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23 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Indian theory: sanatana dharma, the indigenous term . Western theory: originated in the religious practices of. Aryan tribes who moved to india from central asia and invaded the harappan people around 2000-900 bce. India, but portions of hindu beliefs have found their way across oceans to other countries and have been influential in the foundations of other religions, such as. Transcendental meditation and buddhism: anyone who honors the vedas can call her/himself a. This open theology makes it difficult to discuss basic beliefs since there are many ideas about what hinduism means: it reforms and changes with the demands of the time, thus it is ancient but remains modern. Central tenets of hinduism: hinduism is based on the practice of dharma, the code of life correct conduct according to one"s level of awareness, basis of hinduism is the belief in the unity of everything.

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