BIO120H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Botany, Her Majesty'S Ship

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Bio120 lecture 2: darwin"s big idea and how it changed. September 12, 2018 (relevant reading why evolution is true, coyne: chapter. Paley"s argument was that living things resemble design-type features that suit the environment in which they are found. First to provide causal mechanism: inheritance of acquired characteristics. First comprehensive theory of evolution: he amassed a diverse array of evidence to prove how organisms shared common ancestors and how they developed over time, a. r. Wallace"s contribution helped darwin oppose paley"s argument for design. Wallace of the chief mechanism of evolution: natural selection: he helped develop the idea of how evolution proceeds; the process of natural selection. Darwin"s father was a doctor and his parents first thought that darwin should become a doctor as well; he set out to do that university of edinburgh. Darwin found that medical school was not well-suited to him, so he dropped out. Exploration: darwin influenced by john s. henslow (botanist) at cambridge, voyage on h. m. s.