BIO 350 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Open Reading Frame, Rna-Seq, Stop Codon

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26 Feb 2019

Document Summary

Beadle and tatum"s: one gene one enzyme hypothesis. Developed a metabolic pathway: each gene coded a specific enzyme, this was not quite true, so it was reworked. One gene one polypeptide hypothesis: not every protein is an enzyme and what seemed true is every gene did more or less code for a polypeptide, this was later refined. Dna vs rna: key structural differences, strands, rna is predominantly single stranded, pentose, 2" hydroxyl on the ribose instead of making it a deoxyribose, pyrimidines, uracil instead of thymine (rna) It shifts one letter: our machinery can tolerate a certain amount of mistakes" and be ok. The interrupted gene: the length of the pre-mrna defines the gene region. Exon skipping: could change the function if a protein, changing the diversity. Alternative slice sites: can change the length of the exon. How are spliced sites recognized: there are 4 nucleotides that are observed at a splice junction (gt-ag, exons.