EEOB 2520 Lecture Notes - Lecture 32: Interventricular Septum, Atrioventricular Node, Purkinje Fibers

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Heart Contraction Pattern figure 12-10
Need an action potential to get the heart to contract
The signal we need for the myocardium cells to move = an AP = gets the contraction
started ALWAYS!
The pattern of contraction = movement of AP through your heart tissue in a very
specific pattern
First you need an initial AP to get everything started happens as a result of your
nervous system impacting your heart
Central Nervous system AP sinoatrial (SA) node (little yellow spot at top of
right atrium)
Baseline heart rate = 70 bpm
The bpm will be at 70 when at the SA node
We know the neighboring atrial cells are connected by intercalated discs which
include gap junctions causes a domino effect of having our cells pass AP from one
to another
The ones closest contract first, the ones furthest contract as the AP gets to them
The AP transmitted through the gap junctions to the neighboring cells until all
atrial cells have gotten the AP and are doing their contraction
Atria’s ells
1. Contract
“A odes effet surroudig atria ells ia doio effet AP’s, losest otrat first
2. Transmit AP via gap junctions
Keep sending down the AP until all cells receive the AP and begin to contract
3. Atrioventricular (AV) node depolarizes
Atrial tissue does not touch ventricular tissue because of the non-polar, lipid
boundary in between the atria and ventricle
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o Does’t allo APs to trael etee these to areas atria ad etrile due
to the big block
e AP can only continue to another node
A node that is between our atria and our ventricles = AV node (atrioventricular
o This is the only spot where we can continue to have the downward
movement of the AP into the ventricles
There is no atrium cell that passes a message to a ventricular cell, must use the AV
node to pass the AP between the two
The AV passes the AP along the Bundle of His
4. Bundle of His
AP goes from AV node to here
It is like an insulated wires carry AP along its link down to the interventricular
septum but won’t pass it to ventriular tissue
We do’t go straight to the etriular tissue eause e do’t at to otrat yet
Bundle of His will move the AP to the bottom of the heart without seeing any
contraction in the interventricular septum
Nothing is getting contracted right now
They are taking the AP (this wire is running to) Purkinje Fibers
5. Transfers the AP to additional, smaller wires, called the Purkinje Fibers
The Purkinje fibers do interact with the ventricular tissue (unlike the Bundle of His)
we start seeing contraction happening
Depolarize ventricular cells
o They release the action potential so that we start seeing the action potential
happening in ventricular tissues
o We see movement of blood in the direction that we squeeze
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We want blood in the atria to go through the cuspid valve into the
o It is a top to bottom flow we want the blood flow to be in this direction
from atria to ventricle
e need to get the ventricles to contract from bottom to top gets
us to squeeze from bottom to top, so then we get the blood to the
aorta and pulmonary artery, which is at the top gets us to squeeze
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Document Summary

We want heart to squeeze because that contraction causes pressure gradient blood goes to area of lower pressure. Blood pressure = contraction of space (pv=nrt: blood pressure = the pressure of blood going through the vessels, at an instant (cid:449)e are(cid:374)"t (cid:272)ha(cid:374)gi(cid:374)g a(cid:373)ou(cid:374)t of (cid:271)lood i(cid:374) there (cid:894)(cid:374)(cid:895), te(cid:373)perature (cid:894)t(cid:895)- In terms of heart we squeeze down volume = increase pressure = gets our blood to flow the way we want it to. Contraction is faster: what we care about is the blood moving, what we get out of this cycle is the stroke volume. Heart rate (hr) = cycles/min how many times do we put stroke volume out in a given time frame. Increase sv = increase co: the heart is not moving 4. 9 l/min at any given squeeze it"s (cid:271)e(cid:272)ause it is doing it so many times repeatedly, so we get a lot of blood.