BIOS 213 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Adrenal Medulla, Posterior Pituitary, Sex Steroid

18 views3 pages
29 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Steroid hormones are derived from cholesterol/cellular mechanisms of action of steroid hormones. Control of hormone release/neurohormones are secreted into the blood by neurons. Preceptors may be on the cell membrane usually fast responses. Lipophilic hormones more often use intracellular receptors-cytoplasmic nuclear. Carrier is usually a plasma protein (often albumin or specific carrier) (cid:862)ge(cid:374)o(cid:373)ic effects(cid:863) i(cid:374)crease or decrease dna tra(cid:374)scriptio(cid:374) to increase mrna. Neurotransmitter stored in axon terminals which form the posterior pituitary, neurohormones, neuroendocrines. Oxytocin, vasopressin- adh increase number aquaporins in collecting duct. Ferguson reflex: stretch receptors on cervix-nerve-hypothalamus-oxytocin, release from pituitary contraction. Neurohormones from the adrenal medulla add to the sympathetic nervous system response (very. Sns and catecholamines increase blood flow to skeletal muscles, plasma glucose, blood pressure, heart rate, respiration rate & mental alertness. Osteoblast & osteocyte cells produce enzymes, collagen, & protein which attract hydroxyapatite (a form of calcium phosphate), forms bone. Chondrocytes produce collagen, most of which is directed to cartilage.