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Browse the full collection of course materials, past exams, study guides and class notes for GMS 200 - Introduction to Global Management at Ryerson University verified by our …
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Deborah De Lange
Sui Sui
Kenneth Kalu
Douglas Bower
Vik Singh

Verified Documents for Douglas Bower

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
GMS 200 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Potashcorp, Glass Ceiling, Collegehumor
1. 3 describe he dynamic ha make p he general environmen , and wh compe i ive advan age encompasses. 1. 4 iden ify who are managers are and explain wha
GMS 200 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Touch Typing, Intellectual Capital, Outsourcing
Knowledge workers are workers whose main knowledge is knowledge. A knowledge worker"s (cid:373)i(cid:374)d is a (cid:272)riti(cid:272)al asset to e(cid
GMS 200 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Management Information System, Enterprise Resource Planning, Crisis Management
Unders and he role of informa ion in he managemen process. Unders and how managers se informa ion o make decisions. Unders and he s eps in he decision
GMS 200 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Franchising, Global Sourcing, Comparative Advantage
Comparative advantage occurs when one country can produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than another. Is the practice of sourcing form
GMS 200 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Purchase, New York, Starbucks, Rolex
3. 1 explain what the management challenges are in going global. 3. 2 define what a global business is and what things it undertakes. 3. 3 explain what
GMS 200 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Theory X And Theory Y, Chris Argyris, Linear Programming
Wk 5: chapter 2 management learning past - present. Develop rules of motion, standardized work implements, and proper working conditions for every job.
GMS 200 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Strategic Planning, Participatory Planning, Personal Development
Wk 8: chapter 6 - planning processes and. Describe he ypes of plans managers se. Iden ify and describe he vario s planning ools and echniq es. Explain
GMS 200 Lecture 9: Week 9 Chapter 7
Operating with an attribute or set of attributes that allows an organization to outperform its rivals. Technology: toyota was the first that mass produ
GMS 200 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Horse Length, Cleaner Production, Geothermal Heating
All facilities, functions, and activities associated with the flow and transformation of goods and services from raw materials to customer, as well as