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MTech (IITBHU), MBA(Calcutta University), BE (NIT, Durgapur)




Answer: Question 8) Answer: Interval data is appropriate. Question 9) Answer: ...
Answer: Type1 error is rejecting null hypothesis when null hypothesis is true....
Answer: Present value of bond at the time of purchase =10000/1.106^5 +[10000x1...
Answer: Company's expected market capitalization =106/1.099 +115/1.099^2 +130/...
Answer: 1) Net operating income=4000(16-11)-16000=4000$ 2) i) Break even point...
Answer: a)YTM denotes yield to maturity, P is the current market price, F is t...
Answer: 11) Monthly interest rate=(8/12)%=0.66%Let it will take n months for 1...
Answer: i) Independent variable is the effort. ii) Dependent variable is the m...
Answer: i) Volume of balloon will decrease. ii) Reason: Volume is proportional...
Answer: The probability that the number of successes x is exactly 1 =P(x=1)= X...
Answer: Committee can be formed by i)Taking 3 engineering students and 2 CS st...
Answer: 1)p=6/25=0.24, q=1-p=0.76 Let X be the number of success. X~bin(n=25,p...
Answer: Standard error=5/ =0.6 =1.28, =1.44, =3.3 i) 80% confidence interval= ...
Answer: 3) R(t)=arcsin(1/t) Sin(R(t))=1/t Cos(R(t)) R(t)=-1/ R(t=- 4) f(x)=ln(...
Answer: y=x ln x y =ln x +x/x=ln x +1 y =1/x y =-1/ y =2/ =(n-2) [ for n>1]
Answer: y=e^ꭤx sinβx dy/dx=ꭤe^ꭤx sinβx+βe^ꭤx cosβx dy/dx=e^ꭤx[ꭤsinβx+βcosβx] d...
Answer: A)Let x be the life in years and 6% of the time mean life will be less...
Answer: Let x be the weight of fruit and weight of the heaviest fruit is y. P[...
Answer: Probability that it will weigh between 700 grams and 710 grams =P[z<...
Answer: 1) Probability that a random sample of 1200 people have a mean IQ less...
Answer: Let blade is used for x hours. If x>t h, then failure occurs. P(x&g...
Answer: Using Pythagoras theorem (x-23)^2+x^2=(x+2)^2 x^2-46x+529+x^2=x^2+4x+4...
Answer: 8) Base contains 3 rows Each row contains 15 cartoons Total cartoons=1...
Answer: f(n)=3+f(n+1) f(3)=3+f(4)=3+22=25 f(2)=3+f(3)=3+25=28 f(1)=3+f(2)=3+28...
Only in option B) sequence have a common difference(10).So the sequence is an ...
Answer: If the terms of the sequence form an arithmetic sequence then there wi...
Answer: Common ratio=6/(-2)=(-18)/6=54/(-18)=-3
Answer: 1) Next three terms of the given sequence are 1/81,1/243,1/729 2) 8,16...
Answer: 1) Maria would earn commission in a month=60000*0.02+90000*0.03+(19500...
Probability of accepting null hypothesis when null hypothesis is false is call...
Answer: 1) Assumption in the t-test is that the variances of the two samples a...
Answer: 3x-7=2^3=8 3x=8+7=15 x=5 is the solution.
Answer: 5<3x+17<713x+17>5, 3x>(5-17), x>-4 3x+17<71, 3x<(...
Answer: Let there are x number of boys in Robotics Club Number of boys in Choi...
Answer: xcos(y)=-7y Differentiating both sides with respect to x cos(y)-xsin(y...
Answer: Paired t-tests are used to test the impact of a treatment before and t...
Answer: 1) Student's t-test is performed to test the difference between two gr...
Answer: 1) Student's t-test are used to test the difference between two indepe...
Answer: Question 18) Interval data types can be used with t-tests Question 19)...
Answer:p1=110/513=0.21 p2=101/387=0.26 p=(110+101)/900=0.23 a) Test statistics...

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