


shivansh bhoiSt. Joseph University

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Answer: Oxycodone is a powerful opioid medication that is used to treat modera...
Answer: In general, a buffer is able to minimize changes in pH with each addit...
Answer: The potential at the centre of the sphere is 1) zero. The potential at...
Answer:Energy from the warm area moves to the cool area. (ans) This process is...
Answer: The coefficient of x^8 in (ax^2 + 1/bx)^13 would be the sum of the pro...
Answer: Corruption is a long-standing problem in the Philippines, and it is wi...
Answer:I'm sorry, but in order to critique an editorial, I would need to know ...
Answer: The given expression is 2cot^2(π/6) + 4tan^2(π/6) - 3cosec π/6 First, ...
Answer:Total assets refer to the total value of all the resources that a compa...
Answer: This statement is true. When a function f maps a bounded set D to the ...
Answer: WHAT HELP??
Answer: RA 3019, also known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, is a ...
Answer: Monopolistic Competition: This market structure is characterized by ma...
One example of a duopoly is Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi. The nature of these businesse...
Answer: One industry that is dominated by only 2-3 firms is the soft drink ind...
Answer: a. The product would be less expensive to produce. d. The product woul...
Answer: To calculate the Schwarzschild radius, we can use the equation: R_s = ...
Answer: To determine the radius of the neutron star, we can use the conservati...
Answer: To determine the rotation speed of the neutron star, we can use the co...
Answer: The Schwarzschild radius for a star of mass M is given by the equation...

7. One object that is believed to be a black hole in ourGalaxyis
Athe central star inthe planetary nebula, the Ring Nebula inLyra.
Bthe central star in theCrab Nebula.
CCygnus X-1, a powerfulx-ray source.
Dthe Vela pulsar.

8. X-rays that come from the vicinity of a black holeactuallyoriginate
Afrom well inside theevent horizon.
Bfrom just outside theevent horizon, on the accretion disk.
Cfrom its exact center, orsingularity.
Dfrom relatively far awayfrom the black hole, where matter is quitecool.
9. In a binary star system, an unseen component is found to haveamass of about 8 solar masses. It would be visible if this wereanormal star, so it must be a collapsed object.Theoreticalconsiderations tell us that it must be
Aa browndwarf.
Ba neutron star.
Ca black hole.
Da white dwarf.
10. Where would you look for a supermassive black hole?
AAt the center of asupernova remnant.
BOrbiting a normal star inour galaxy.
CIn the center of agalaxy.
DAt the center of theuniverse.
11. What is the Schwarzschild radius of a black hole?
AThe radius of thesingularity.
BThe distance from thesingularity to the point at which the X-raysthat we see from theEarth are emitted.
CThe distance from thesingularity to the point where nothing canescape from the blackhole.
DThe distance from thesingularity to the point where any objectentering will gain energybefore leaving again.
12. What is the event horizon of a black hole?
AThe "surface" atwhich all events happen.
BThe infinitesimally smallvolume at the center of the black holethat contains all of theblack hole's mass.
CThe "surface" from insideof which nothing can escape.
DThe "surface" insidewhich any object entering will leave with agreater energy thanthat with which it entered.
13. If nothing can ever leave a black hole, can the mass of ablackhole ever decrease?
AYes, ifparticle-antiparticle pairs are created outside the eventhorizonand one particle enters the event horizon while theotherescapes.
BYes, if the matter insidethe black hole is radioactive (e.g.,uranium), then alphaparticles, electrons and gamma rays areconstantly leaving theblack hole.
CYes, if antiparticlesenter a black hole and annihilate with matteralready inside theblack hole.
Answer: X-rays that come from the vicinity of a black hole actually originate ...
Answer: a) To find the Schwarzschild radius for which the escape speed from th...
Answer: (a) To derive the expression for the Schwarzschild radius of a non-rot...
Answer: The force of attraction between an object of mass m and a black hole i...
Answer:A black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that n...

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