


Southern New Hampshire University

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Architecture1History1English2Science2Nursing1Information Technology6Algebra10Computer Science1Calculus9Biology1Mathematics6Finance2Economics8Chemistry30
Answer: There are four constitutional isomers with the formula C4H9Br: 1-Bromo...
Answer: (a) N-Methyl-2-butanamine: CH3CH(NCH3)CH2CH3 (b) Ortho-chloroaniline: ...
Answer: Propylamine, also known as 1-aminopropane, has the condensed structura...
Answer: The correct chemical equation for the reaction of the weak acid HCN wi...
Answer: The chemical equation for the dissolution of NH4Cl in water is: NH4Cl(...
Answer: 380 kJ/mole : 2-4 kJ/mole
Answer: 1.) 1.8 mol of HCl is added to 1.0 L of a 1.0 M NH3 solution. At equil...
Answer: A) To find the equilibrium price, we set the demand equal to the suppl...
Answer: num_terms = 10 # Change this value to adjust the number of terms in th...
Answer: the equilibrium price is $60, and the equilibrium quantity is 10 units...

Jefferson County owns and operates an animal shelter that performs three services: housing and finding homes for stray and unwanted animals, providing healthcare and neutering services for the animals, and pet training services. One facility is dedicated to housing animals waiting to be adopted. A second facility houses veterinarian services. A third facility houses the director, his staff, and several dog trainers. This facility also has several large meeting rooms that are frequently used for classes given by the animal trainers. The trainers work with all of the animals to ensure that they are relatively easy to manage. They also provide dog obedience classes for adopting families. Estimated annual costs for the animal shelter and its services are as follows: Director and staff salaries: $60,000 Animal shelter employees� salaries: $100, 000 Veterinarians and technicians: $150,000 Animal trainers: $40,000 Food and supplies: $125,000 Building-related costs: $200,000 On average, 75 animals per day are housed at the facility, or about 27,375 (75 X 365) animal days in total. The number of animals housed during the year totaled 4,500. In addition, the trainers offer about 125 classes during about 30 weeks throughout the year. On average, 10 families attend each class. Last year the veterinarian clinic experienced 5,000 animal visits. One of the director�s staff members just graduated from an accounting program and would like to set up an ABC system for the shelter so that the director can better understand the cost for each of the shelter�s services. He gathers the following information: Square footage for each facility: Animal Shelter: 5000 square feet Director and training: 3000 square feet Veterinarian clinic: 2,000 square feet Percentage of trainer time used in classes: 50% Supplies used for veterinarian services: $75,000 A. Identify cost pools and assign costs to them, considering the three cost objects of interest. B. Determine a cost driver for each cost pool and explain your choice. C. Calculate the allocation rates for each cost pool and cost driver. Interpret the allocation rate for each cost pool (i.e., explain what it means). D. Suppose that the director is concerned about an increase in number of adopted dogs returned to the shelter because of behavioral problems. When dogs are returned, the shelter incurs extra animal intake and adoption costs, in addition to extra costs for board, room, and more training for the dogs. In addition, the director is concerned that adopting families may not want another dog because of their unhappy experience. The director views this as a quality problem and wants to improve quality in adoption services and reduce costs at the same time. 1. List the four types of quality activities presented in the chapter. What type of quality problem is the shelter experiencing? Explain your answer. 2. Will the current ABC system help managers determine costs for the quality activities? Explain. 3. List one new cost pool and cost driver that could be used to improve the director�s ability to analyze quality.

Answer: A. Cost pools and costs assigned: Animal Shelter facility costs: $200,...
Answer: The volume variance is $28,000 favorable, meaning that the actual numb...
Answer: the equilibrium price is $36.60 per unit if the consumer income is $5,...
Answer: To calculate domestic production, domestic consumption, and import, we...
Answer: we need 2.30024 g of ZnSO4*7H2O to make 200mL of 0.04M solution. the m...
Answer: (A+B)² = A² + 2AB + B²Step-by-step explanation:where A and B are any r...
Answer: Abstract: Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and gelatin composites have shown gr...
Answer: ZnSO4*7H2O is the chemical formula for zinc sulfate heptahydrate, a hy...
Answer: The physical state described as having a fixed shape and fixed volume ...
Answer: a) Solid to liquid: Melting b) Liquid to gas: Evaporation or Boiling a...
Answer: a) Element b) Heterogeneous mixture (contains various minerals and imp...
Answer: The sample of concrete is a heterogeneous mixture since it contains vi...
Answer: a) Elementb) Heterogeneous mixture (contains various minerals and impu...
Answer: a) Element b) Heterogeneous mixture (contains various minerals and imp...
Answer: a) Sr b) Xe c) O d) Zn e) F f) Na g) Cu h) Ni
Answer: Knowing the LD50 (lethal dose 50) value is not always useful for someo...
Answer: A circle is a two-dimensional geometric shape that consists of all the...
Answer: No, a rectangle cannot be a rhombus because these are two different ty...
Answer: A square is a four-sided polygon with four congruent sides and four ri...
Answer: A triangle is a three-sided polygon, which means it is a two-dimension...
Answer: A rectangle is a two-dimensional geometric shape with four sides and f...
Answer: we need 140 g of NaN3 to inflate the bag to a pressure of 1.3 atm at 2...


I need to record a video, a maximum of 4 minutes. In this video, you need to explain the different parts of the code you have written, the functions, the pointers, memory allocation, memory management, and encryption methods, and if available the decryption methods must be explained verbally. The steps you are taking in explaining your written code must follow the steps, line by line, of your main function. This video should clarify the approaches you have taken along with the fulfillment of the requirements of this project.



#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <string.h>

// Define the encryption methods for each item category 

int encrypt_method[] = { 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 4 };

// Define the durable life period for each item category in days 

int life_period[] = { 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130 };

// Define the sale promotion percentage for each item category 

int promotion[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

// Define the regular price for each item category 

float regular_price[] = { 12.50, 10.20, 8.75, 6.99, 18.99, 15.55, 11.79, 9.99, 7.25, 5.49, 13.99, 23.99 };

// Define the items bought by the customer 

int bought_items[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 };

// Define the items returned by the customer 

int returned_items[] = { 3, 7, 11 };

int main()
    char barcode[20];
    int i, j;
    float price, sale_price, total_price = 0.0;

    // Generate barcodes for each item and print the receipt

    for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
        // Encrypt the barcode using the appropriate encryption method
        switch (encrypt_method[i]) {
        case 1:
            sprintf(barcode, "ABC%d", bought_items[i]);
        case 2:
            sprintf(barcode, "DEF%d", bought_items[i]);
        case 3:
            sprintf(barcode, "GHI%d", bought_items[i]);
        case 4:
            sprintf(barcode, "JKL%d", bought_items[i]);
        case 5:
            sprintf(barcode, "MNO%d", bought_items[i]);
        case 6:
            sprintf(barcode, "PQR%d", bought_items[i]);
        case 7:
            sprintf(barcode, "STU%d", bought_items[i]);
            sprintf(barcode, "UNK%d", bought_items[i]);

        // Calculate the sale price of the item based on the promotion percentage
        sale_price = regular_price[i] * (1 - promotion[i] / 100.0);

        // Check if the item was returned and adjust the total price accordingly
        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            if (returned_items[j] == bought_items[i]) {
                total_price -= sale_price;

        // Add the sale price of the item to the total price
        total_price += sale_price;

        // Print the barcode and sale price of the item
        printf("%s %.2f\n", barcode, sale_price);

    // Print the total price of the items purchased
    printf("Total: %.2f\n", total_price);

    // Print the total price of the items bought
    printf("Total price: $%.2f\n", total_price);

    // Get user input for product information
    char name[50];
    char category;
    char manufacturer[50];
    float purchased_price;
    int quantity;
    char purchase_date[11];
    char production_date[11];
    char expiry_date[11];
    int store_code;
    char currency[4];

    printf("\nEnter the name of the product: ");
    scanf("%s", name);
    printf("Enter the category: ");
    scanf(" %c", &category);
    printf("Enter the company/manufacturer name: ");
    scanf("%s", manufacturer);
    printf("Enter the purchased price: ");
    scanf("%f", &purchased_price);
    printf("Enter the sale price: ");
    scanf("%f", &sale_price);
    printf("Enter the quantity of purchased items: ");
    scanf("%d", &quantity);
    printf("Enter the date of purchase (yyyy-mm-dd): ");
    scanf("%s", purchase_date);
    printf("Enter the date of production (yyyy-mm-dd): ");
    scanf("%s", production_date);
    printf("Enter the expiry date (yyyy-mm-dd): ");
    scanf("%s", expiry_date);
    printf("Enter the store code: ");
    scanf("%d", &store_code);
    printf("Enter the currency of the country: ");
    scanf("%s", currency);

    // Encrypt the necessary fields to generate the barcode

    // Print the barcode
    printf("Barcode: %s\n", barcode);

    // Determine the discount and print the tag color
    float discount_percentage = (1.0 - (sale_price / purchased_price)) * 100.0;

    if (discount_percentage > 20) {
        printf("Tag color: Red\n");
    else if (discount_percentage > 10) {
        printf("Tag color: Yellow\n");
    else {
        printf("Tag color: Green\n");

    return 0;

Answer: This code is written in C programming language, and it includes severa...
Answer: Solve for x:-2x + y + 4z = -16x -3y -12z = 36x – 3y -z = 1Multiplying ...
Answer:There are no real solutions for z. Step-by-step explanation:Given:(x - ...
Answer:The probability that the first card is a face card given that the secon...
Answer:P(face card|jack) = 3/4. Step-by-step explanation:The probability of dr...
Answer:P(spade | not heart) = 1/3 or approximately 0.333 Step-by-step explanat...
Answer:The probability of the first card being a heart given that the second c...
Answer: The probability of selecting an even number, given that the card is a ...

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