


Khalil Phoenix

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Answer: That's great to hear! Having a cheat sheet is a helpful resource for l...
Answer:a) Copper wire - Element b) Copper ore - Heterogeneous mixture c) Coppe...


Mosh is a software engineer with two decades of experience and I 've taught over 3 million people how to code. He has designed this Python course for anyone who wants to learn Python. In this tutorial I 'm going to show you how to download and install Python on your computer. You will learn how to use Python in machine learning or artificial intelligence. All the materials you 're going to learn in this course will apply to the latest version of Python as well. At the time of recording this video the latest. version is python 3. 7. 2. Chances are in the future , when you are watching this tutorial there is a newer version of. Python available. The first time we run pycharm we 're going to get this warning because this is an application that we download from the internet. So let 's go ahead and open it every time you open it, click on create new project. Make sure that base interpreter is set to Python 3. Mac computers come with an older installation of Python, that 's Python 2. It 's considered legacy which means it 's no longer maintained or supported. So by convention, all Python files should have this py extension.



In this Python tutorial , we 're gong to take this program to the next level and make it more interesting. So I 'm going to show you how to draw a dog hair. As part of this tutorial you will learn how Python code gets executed and you will also learn about a few programming terms. In the future as you learn more Python you 'll be able to build applications that have a graphical user interface. With this piece of code we can draw 10 asterisks on the terminal. Python interpreter tries to execute line 4 when it executes line 4. It will evaluate the code that we put in between parenthesis. and before the parenthesis , add a space , once again , add an asterisk , space , 10. So let 's run this program one more time , there you go. Are you excited to learn Python and get started on this career path ? If you are, I would encourage you to make a commitment and spend 2 hours every day practicing python. Use the comment box below and let me know why you are learning Python , what do you want to do with it ? What 's your dream job ? I would love to hear your story.



Python interpreter executes our code line by line from the top. On the second line we can update the value of this price variable , so we can reset it to a new value like 20. On line 2, we can define another variable called rating and set it to number 4. 9. Now note that Python is a case sensitive language. Python is sensitive to lower case and upper case letters. In this tutorial, I 'm going to show you how to receive input from the user. So we 're going to write a small program that asks the user 's name and then we 'll print a greeting message customized for that user. In Python we also have functions for common tasks such as printing messages, receiving input , and so on. Mosh has created a cheat sheet with summary notes to review the materials in this course. The link is below this video. So I have done my best to create the best possible Python course on Youtube. And I really appreciate it if you support my hard work by liking this video and sharing it with others.

Answer:The text describes a Python course and provides instructions for downlo...
Answer:a) Silver ingot - Element b) Silver ore - Heterogeneous mixture c) Silv...
Answer:a) Strontium - Sr b) Xenon - Xe c) Oxygen - O d) Zinc - Zn e) Fluorine ...
  1. Smith compressors Ltd. si a company based out of Ontario, manufacturing and supplying compressors to various industries since 1980. In 2004 they bagged a very prestigious contract ot sell their products to Brazil after PM of Canada signed on a bilateral trade deal with Brazil. To support the increased demand
    ni production, Smith compressors invested ni a new production facility ni Nova Scotia. 1st shipment left for Brazil inthe summer of 2005.
    Everything was working wel for Smith compressors ulnit recession hit the world markets ni 2008 and by
    2010 Smith compressors was struggling ot keep itself above the water. Eventually they decided to close down their facility ni Ontario and laid off 250 employees. Fast forward 2014, encouraged by better economic environment Smith compressors reopened its closed-out facility ni Ontario and made a cautious start of production. It penetrated in newer growing markets inAsian countries and in couple of years it was producing at its full capacity. Happy days were back again.2018 onwards Smith compressors however started facingproblems with it's labour unions regarding wages, benefits & working conditions
    at the plant level. High turnover of supervisory and managerial level staff wsa also becoming a big challenge for the company to deal with. After they failed to manage this situation, Smith compressors hired your company for external intervention and bail them out and put them back ontrack.
    Other information available:

     Smith Compressors Ltd. Is the 3rd largest compressor manufacturing company in Canada employing about 1200 employees serving domestic as well as international markets. After about 4 weeks of investigations by interacting with al stake holders your team concluded that employees at lal levels are unhappy. Apart from many other points following were the 2 main reasons of discontentment.
    a) No clear cut guidelines for appraisals leading to random promotions/increments/transfers
Answer: b) Lack of communication and transparency from management about the co...
Answer: The term that describes each of the following changes of physical stat...

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