


Vinoba Bhave University

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Project Management1History21Management4English79Philosophy1Anthropology2Astronomy2Business2Science3Sociology3Geography1Nursing1Psychology2Communications10Ethics2Information Technology3Algebra4Engineering1Geometry1Computer Science29Accounting9Calculus3Biology165Mathematics9Physics15Finance1Economics12Chemistry54
Answer:A Step-by-step explanation:Douglas
Answer:C Step-by-step explanation:Affordable land
Answer: B. slavery being abolishedStep-by-step explanation:The party was large...
Answer: B Step-by-step explanation:B. Congress passed a series of tariffs
Answer: A Step-by-step explanation:A. South Carolina
Answer: A. abolitionist Step-by-step explanation:Brown was an avid abolitionis...
Answer: B Step-by-step explanation:B. On-site training
Answer:C Step-by-step explanation:C. Animal birthing
Answer:B Step-by-step explanation:B. Environment
Answer:D Step-by-step explanation:D. agriculture
Answer:B Step-by-step explanation:B. Natives
Answer: C. The Enlightenment Step-by-step explanation:Jefferson and other memb...
Answer:A Step-by-step explanation:A. North
Answer:A Step-by-step explanation:A. slaves
Answer:B Step-by-step explanation:B. governor
Answer:A Step-by-step explanation:A. The Governors
Answer:B Step-by-step explanation:B. Letting the people decide on their own so...
Answer:A Step-by-step explanation:Zoologist
Answer:B Step-by-step explanation:South
Answer: A Step-by-step explanation:A. To ensure there was equality among the s...
Answer: A. Miami Step-by-step explanation:General Anthony Wayne finally defeat...
Answer: B. Preamble Step-by-step explanation:The 'Preamble' of the Constitutio...
Answer: B. government Step-by-step explanation:Because the Constitution is the...
Answer: B. The Seven Articles Step-by-step explanation:The Seven Articles is c...
Answer: B. State Government Step-by-step explanation:The foundation of governm...
Answer: First, let's look into the difference between those two. To put simply...
Answer: B Republicans Step-by-step explanation:In the United States, a politic...
Answer: C Step-by-step explanation:C. The breaking up of compromises in govern...
Answer: C Step-by-step explanation:C. It gave Congress the power to establish ...
Answer: A. the federal government Step-by-step explanation:In 1801 the lame-du...
Answer:A Step-by-step explanation:A. School master
Answer: A Step-by-step explanation:A. He sold some of the family property and ...
Answer: A. France Step-by-step explanation:France's anger and threat of war to...
Answer: Water is the lifeblood of human civilisation. Without water to support...
Answer:A. African Americans Step-by-step explanation:The Great Compromise did ...
Answer:C. They were all from Boston, Massachusetts. Step-by-step explanation:J...
Answer:C. The victims of the Boston Massacre are buried at Granary Cemetery. S...
Answer: B. Colonies Step-by-step explanation:A stunning example of military pr...
Answer:A 5% Step-by-step explanation:About half of antebellum Southern wealth ...
Answer:A Step-by-step explanation:A. Mexico

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