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The sun's golden rays gently kissed the tranquil ocean and waters, casting a m...
The sun's golden rays gently kissed the tranquil ocean and waters, casting a m...
The sun's golden rays gently kissed the tranquil ocean and waters, casting a m...
  1. P_01: Introduction to Python Programming | Python for BeginnersJenny's Lectures CS IT

Introduction to Python Programming Language


Python is currently the most popular programming language and also the fastest growing one. The concept of Python was introduced in 1989 and it is being used widely in machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence.


Main Areas of PythonMachine learningData scienceArtificial intelligence


Python is used by big companies like Facebook and Twitter for managing and processing large amounts of data.


The language is easy to learn and has a wide range of applications. It supports multiple paradigms including object-oriented, procedural, and functional programming.


Python has been used in almost every area of programming, including by big companies like Google and YouTube.


The language is open source and has a huge community with many inbuilt packages, modules, and functions that can be used in programs without having to write them from scratch.


Python has many discussion forums where users can post queries and get answers. Frameworks like Django and Flask are available for web development.


Career Opportunities in Python


Python offers numerous career opportunities with an average salary ranging from 8 to 12 per nm. It's no wonder why this language is so popular. In the upcoming video, we will first explore the history of Python. As the saying goes, "know your enemy before going to battle." We will be using the latest version of Python 3.x, as Python 2.x is now obsolete and no longer supported since January 2020. So, let's focus on the latest version and explore the many career opportunities that Python has to offer.


Features and Application Areas of Python


If you are already familiar with Python and its features and application areas, please feel free to take notes. In the next video, we will dive deeper into the topic.


See you in the next video!


Bye for now!



The sun's golden rays gently kissed the tranquil ocean and waters, casting a m...
The sun's golden rays gently kissed the tranquil ocean and waters, casting a m...

1. Overview: The host discusses the importance of understanding psychology, particularly from the perspective of personal, professional, and social aspects. Using information from various sources, they break down the key points to help viewers develop an understanding of how psychology can benefit them in their lives.

2. Main Topics:

  • Applying Psychology to Personal Life: Importance of understanding the mind and behavior to lead a happy and balanced life.
  • Psychology in Professional Life: How to read people and make better decisions, as well as improve communication skills.
  • Psychology in Social Life: The impact of understanding human nature on relationships and social interactions.

3. Key Points:

  • Visualization: Creating mental images of desired outcomes can improve focus and confidence.
  • Loopholes in Psychology: How understanding these can help prevent manipulation and make better choices.
  • Understanding the Subconscious Mind: The importance of mindfulness and introspection for self-awareness and satisfaction in life.

4. Examples:

  • Visualization Example: Using positive mental imagery to achieve goals.
  • Loophole Example: Recognizing and avoiding manipulative tactics in marketing and advertising.

5. Analysis: The creator emphasizes the potential for self-improvement available through a better understanding of psychological principles and the importance of using this knowledge to lead a more fulfilling and meaningful life in all aspects.

6. Conclusion: By shedding light on the significance of psychology and providing practical takeaways, the host aims to empower viewers to use this knowledge to enhance their lives in all areas.

7. Thoughts: Nothing to add. The video is well-structured and directly addresses the ways in which understanding psychology can be instrumental in leading a more successful and happy life.

The sun's golden rays gently kissed the tranquil ocean and waters, casting a m...
The sun's golden rays gently kissed the tranquil ocean and waters, casting a m...

Word count: at least 900 words Special Note: You will not be credited for this effort and will need to submit the assignment again if it exceeds the allotted word count. Send in your formal essay here in its completed form. This is the final, 900-word draft of your work the has gone through every stage of the writing process (drafting, planning, shaping, revising, editing,

proofreading). Please ensure that you have cited a minimum of two sources that you independently found. This is the essay's outline that you must adhere to:

Formal Essay Outline: Improving College Writing

Formal Essay Outline: Improving College Writing


1. **Introduction**

**Hook:** In the evolving landscape of higher education, effective writing instruction is crucial for student success.

  1. **Background:** According to Bartholomae, writing is a means of participating in academic discourse.
  2. **Thesis Statement:** This essay argues that college faculty should adopt innovative pedagogical approaches, drawing insights from Murray, Bartholomae, and Wardle, to enhance writing instruction in the classroom.

I. **Embracing the Process Approach (Murray)**

  1. **Quote:** "Writing is a process, not a product" (Murray, Year, Page).
  2. **Explanation:** Murray's emphasis on the process approach encourages faculty to guide students through drafting, revising, and editing stages.
  3. **Application:** Incorporating peer review and multiple drafts in assignments promotes skill development and deeper understanding.

III. **Understanding Students' Discourse Communities (Bartholomae)

  1. **Quote:** "Students must learn to speak our language, to speak as we do, to try on the peculiar ways of knowing, selecting, evaluating, reporting, concluding, and arguing" (Bartholomae, Year, Page).
  2. **Explanation:** Bartholomae's concept stresses the importance of acclimating students to academic discourse, helping them navigate diverse writing expectations.
  3. **Application:** Engaging students in disciplinary writing practices fosters academic literacy and prepares them for diverse discourse communities.

IV. **Navigating Transfer Issues (Wardle)**

  1. **Quote:** "Transfer of knowledge is a complex act, and as such, writing doesn't transfer easily" (Wardle, Year, Page).
  2. **Explanation:** Wardle's research on transfer highlights the challenges students face when applying writing skills across contexts.
  3. **Application:** Faculty can address transfer issues by creating assignments that mirror real-world writing scenarios, improving students' adaptability.

V. **Conclusion**

A. **Summary:** Drawing from Murray, Bartholomae, and Wardle, faculty can enrich writing instruction by

and as such, writing doesn't transfer easily" (Wardle, Year, Page).

  1. **Explanation:** Wardle's research on transfer highlights the challenges students face when applying writing skills across contexts.
  2. **Application:** Faculty can address transfer issues by creating assignments that mirror real-world writing scenarios, improving students' adaptability.

V. **Conclusion**

  1. **Summary:** Drawing from Murray, Bartholomae, and Wardle, faculty can enrich writing instruction by embracing process-oriented methods, understanding students' discourse communities, and addressing transfer challenges.
  2. **Closing Thoughts:** Implementing these strategies will empower students to navigate diverse writing expectations and excel in various academic and professional settings.
The sun's golden rays gently kissed the tranquil ocean and waters, casting a m...

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