


Barnik Chakraborty

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Answer: Certainly! If you're offering comprehensive support for academic assig...
Answer: Ethics can be described as the branch of philosophy that deals with qu...
Answer: Ethics can be described as the branch of philosophy that deals with qu...
Answer:Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with questions about what i...
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Having my first discussion assessment due soon but could use help, I have to explain if if I agree or don’t agree with them (I agree with both of them but not sure what to write) the response needs to be 6 sentences in length for each.

1) Give an example of when you feel that this method is the best approach.
The Socratic Method consisted of asking people questions about matters they presumably knew something about. Socrates would usually begin by asking for a definition of a concept like 'justice'. I believe it is an effective way of learning especially in a setting where it takes one a certain level of "know-how" l'd call it because it is engaging the student to stimulate their own answers and understanding. I took chemistry Summer 22' and my professor would always begin class or a new topic with a question such as "What do you think ___is?" We'd all answer. He then would say "why do you think this?" and if we were wrong he would tell us but if not, he would further explain the details behind it. So, he had me engaged from the moment he walked in. He also used a chalkboard so that brought back the nostalgia of when I was back in elementary school learning new things every day.

2) Give an example of when you feel that the Socratic method is ineffective.
I feel the Socratic method would not be effective in a courtroom. I believe this because the person being questioned will feel the need to hide what He or She knows. This will result in the complete opposite results desired from this method. Or maybe at a seminar when one's purpose is to explain and give information. For example at an apple device release.
I do believe the socratic method is a good strategy to learn because you tend to go back and forth on a discussion until you get to the point that you have been trying to prove. This way you are breaking down the discussion into smaller parts, making it easier to comprehend.
1) I would say the Socratic Method would be highly effective in the court of law. I have seen this play out in a few shows as well like Caso Cerrado and Dr. Phill. Where the interviewer will ask a few questions to get to the bottom of a conflict and depending on the interviewee's response, the interviewer will continue to ask questions until he/ she breaks and tells the truth or the way things actually are.
2) An example where the Socratic method would not work would be in a situation where the discussions has an indefinite amount of answers. For example " what is the purpose of life" ? One could argue that we are simply here as animals and our sole purpose is to repopulate the earth. On the other hand we could also say that we create our own purpose here, we decide what we will do with our lives. But who's to say that both answers are incorrect? Here the socratic method would continue in an endless loop.
Answer: 1) The Socratic Method is an effective approach to learning, particula...
Answer: Certainly! Here's a plan for a happy life and a vision for the future,...
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Answer: Descartes engages in this exercise as part of his method of doubt, whi...
Answer: a. Yes. Rational egoism is a moral theory that asserts individuals sho...
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Answer: Comparing and contrasting Prokofiev's Classical Symphony and Varese's ...
Answer: The statement "Music is Sound and Silence" by Willoughby encapsulates ...
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Answer: Sure, here's a concise explanation of each mechanism:1. **DNA Methylat...
Answer: A
Answer: The difference between a biological hypothesis and a biological theory...
Answer: Biological theory is an approach in biology that aims to understand ho...
Step-by-step explanation:Diamond, graphite, and fullerenes are different cryst...
Answer: To solve for the number of molecules of SiO2 with a mass of 40.9 grams...
Step-by-step explanation:To determine the initial value of the principal quant...

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