


All India Institute of Medical Sciences - AIIMS Delhi

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History2Management1Anthropology1Business2Engineering1Computer Science2Accounting6Biology30Mathematics4Physics3Finance9Economics1Chemistry18
Answer: An example of evolutionary divergence is best characterized by Darwin'...
Answer: Chemical evolution and biological evolution are related processes that...
Answer: Biological evolution and cultural evolution are two distinct but inter...
Answer:The true statement about human biological evolution is:c. Humans are st...
Answer: The difference between transformational and variational processes lies...
Mike is sitting inhis

athletic training suite feeling sorry for himself. He movedfrom

Southern California to play soccer at Northern MinnesotaUniversity

(NMU) as a highly recruited player. All was well until he gotsick

with a miserable cold. He soon recovered, but now he findshimself

with a lingering dry cough and difficulty catching his breathany

time he exerts himself, which is every day! He also notices ithas

gotten worse as the weather has become colder. To makethings

worse, Mike feels, and looks, like he's out of shape, so hiscoach

has been criticizing him for dogging it. A few days later,Mike

relays his story to JP, the head athletic trainer at NMU."I'm

thinking my cold is coming back, or something else is wrongwith

me. When I'm just hanging out, like now, I feel fine. But assoon

as I start to run I get winded and can't stop coughing." JPlistens

to Mike's breathing sounds with his stethoscope, but hearsnothing

abnormal. So he tells Mike to come back as soon as thesymptoms

return during soccer practice. Twenty minutes later, Mike isback

in the athletic training suite, audibly wheezing, coughing,and

short of breath. The team physician, Dr. McInnis, happens tobe

there and performs a complete physical exam. He also doespulmonary

function tests with Mike using spirometry, including a forcedvital

capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in one second(FEV1).

He instructs Mike to take a maximal inhalation and then exhaleas

forcefully and maximally as possible into the spirometer. Basedon

his findings, Dr. McInnis tells Mike he thinks he isexperiencing

cold-induced bronchoconstriction (also called cold-inducedasthma),

which is made worse by exertion. The doctor explains to Mikethat

his recent upper respiratory infection probably inflamed his

airways, making them hypersensitive and reactive to irritants,such

as cold and physical exertion. When Mike exercises in thecold,

autumn afternoons of Minnesota, his sensitive airwaystemporarily

bronchoconstrict, causing the symptoms he is experiencing.Asthma

is almost always a reversible condition. Dr. McInnis prescribestwo

puffs of an albuterol inhaler, to be used 10 minutes before about

of exercise in the cold.

How does Mike's body make thenecessary

changes in intrapulmonary pressure to maintain normal air flowwhen

he is experiencing cold-induced asthma?

Answer: In cold-induced asthma, the body's response to cold air or physical ex...
Answer: During and after the race, Brad's body temperature was regulated by th...
Answer:Sweat, also known as perspiration, is formed in the sweat glands, which...
Answer:Entering the field of medicine requires careful planning and dedication...
Answer:The important difference between a hypothesis and a theory is:A) a theo...
Answer: The difference between a statistical hypothesis and a biological hypot...
Answer: A biological hypothesis and a biological theory differ primarily in th...
Answer: Let's go through each statement one by one: Puberty cannot be distingu...
Answer: Childhood is a critical period of growth and development, but it can a...
Answer: c. might have been due to biological changes that were not preserved i...
Answer: To solve this problem, we need to consider the partial pressure of hyd...
Answer: To determine the molar mass of the unknown metal, we can use the ideal...
Answer: Geomorphology is the study of the Earth's landforms, their processes, ...
Answer: Replacing air with helium (He) at atmospheric pressure (1.00 atm) will...
Answer: An account consists of three parts: the account title, the debit side,...
Answer: Two accounts that are increased with debits are "Assets" and "Expenses...
Answer: Assets are resources owned by a business that have economic value and ...
Answer:Let's match each set of progeny phenotypes and proportions to the paren...
Answer: Biological theory refers to a broad set of explanations and principles...

Q 1 – Manx cats are produced when a dominant allele is inherited for the Manx gene (M). Inheritance of two dominant alleles, however, results in death of the fetus. Coat color in cats is determined by two alleles with incomplete dominance. BB produces black colored cats, Bb produces grey cats, and bb produces white cats. A grey Manx cat is mated with a white Manx. What proportion of the living offspring will be white Manx kittens? (3 points)

Q 2 – In goats, a beard is produced by an autosomal allele that is dominant in males and recessive in females. We’ll use the symbol Bb for the beard allele and B+ for the beardless allele. Another independently assorting autosomal allele that produces a black coat (W) is dominant over the allele for white coat (w). Give the phenotypes and their proportions expected for the following cross: B+B+Ww male × BbBbWw female (2 points)

Q 3 – E. W. Lindstrom crossed two corn plants with green seedlings and obtained the following progeny: 3583 green seedlings, 853 virescent-white seedlings, and 260 yellow seedlings.

Give the genotypes for the green, virescent-white, and yellow seedlings

Explain how color is determined in these seedlings (which genotype gives which phenotype). (3 points)

Q 4 – You are studying a gene that controls ossicone (horn) length in giraffes. The wild-type long-ossicone allele (L) is dominant to the mutant short-ossicone (l) allele. However the L allele is only 60% penetrant in both homozygotes and heterozygotes. In a population of 212 giraffes in an African nature preserve, 80 giraffes are either homozygous or heterozygous for the long ossicone allele (L). What proportion of offspring would you expect to exhibit the long ossicone phenotype? (2 points)

Answer: Q1: To determine the proportion of white Manx kittens, we need to cons...
Answer: To determine the genotypes and phenotypes of the F1 offspring, let's f...
Answer:To solve this problem, we can use the relationship between the energy o...
Answer: As a consultant, I would advise the proprietors of Smart Enterprise to...
Answer: a. Blue light has a shorter wavelength than red light, so red light ha...
Answer: To calculate the energy lost by the hydrogen atom in this transition, ...
Answer: To compute the ionization energy of a hydrogen atom in its first excit...
Answer: Diamond, graphite, and fullerenes are all different crystalline forms,...
Answer: The correct answer is a. "It makes no attempt to explain why the negat...
1)The NaCl2 ionic salt does not exist. Which of the followingstatements best explains why?

A. Because the formation of Na2+ is an unfavorable process due tothe great amount of energy required to remove the 2nd electron fromthe Na atom (the 2nd electron would have to be removed from thecore electrons of the Na atom).
B. Because the Cl- anion is too large for there to be two of themattached to one Na+ ion.
C. Because NaCl2 is actually a polyatomic ion with a -1 charge, andnot an ionic salt. In the presence of another Na+ ion, the Na2Cl2salt would form.
D. Because Cl2 has no charge and therefore would not be attractedelectrostatically to the positively charged Na2+ cation.

2)Select the false statement below.

A. The first ionization energy of an atom is smaller than thesecond ionization energy of the same atom.
B. Phosphorus has a greater first ionization energy than magnesium,and the reason for this is because P has a greater effectivenuclear charge (Zeff) than Mg.
C. The following process is an endothermic process and representsthe first ionization energy of an atom A:A(g) ? A1+(g) + e1-
D. Fluorine has a greater first ionization energy than iodine, andthe reason for this is because fluorine has a greater amount ofshielding of outer electrons by inner electrons than doesiodine.

3)The Group 5A elements N,P,As have lower (less negative) electronaffinities than most of the Group 4A or Group 6A elements becauseN,P,As have half-filled subshells.


4)A fluorine atom is smaller than a bromine atom, and a potassiumatom is larger than a lithium atom.


5)A certain main-group element exhibits the following successiveionization energies in kJ/mol:

IE1 = 100; IE2 = 1200; IE3 = 2300; IE4 = 3100; IE5 = 4200

Select the false statement about this element below.

A. This is likely a Group 1A element.
B. This element is typically found uncombined in nature (that is,it is not usually found in compounds, but rather as a freeelement).
C. If this element is given a symbol of "J", it would form an ioniccompound with sulfur as J2S.
D. If this element was in period 2 of the periodic table, it wouldbe lithium.

6)Select the false statement below.

A. Generally speaking, non-metallic elements have greater effectivenuclear charge (Zeff) than metallic elements in the sameperiod.
B. Generally speaking, as you go down a group in the periodictable, there is successively greater shielding of the outer-shellelectrons by the inner-shell electrons.
C. Generally speaking, the heavier alkali metals can be predictedto exhibit greater shielding of the outer-shell electrons by theinner-shell electrons than lighter alkali metals.
D. Generally speaking, as you go across a period in the periodictable, the effective nuclear charge (Zeff) decreases because eachsuccessive element contains more protons in the nucleus than theprevious element and the outer electrons are all in the same shellas you go across a period.

7)Place the following in order of increasing size:

O2-, F1-, Li1+

A. F1- < Li1+ < O2-
B. Li1+ < O2- < F1-
C. Li1+ < F1- < O2-
D. F1- < O2- < Li1+

8)Select the false statement below.

A. The following set of quantum numbers is allowed:
n = 4, l = 2, ml = -2, ms = +1/2
B. The n = 1 shell of any given atom can accomodate up to 2electrons.
C. The n = 4 shell of any given atom can accomodate up to 16electrons.
D. In any given atom, the l = 2 subshell can accomodate up to 5electrons that have negative spins (ms =
Answer:Your explanation is accurate! The trend in ionization energies you desc...
Answer: Element X is most likely to belong to the alkaline earth metals family...
Answer: The element in the third period (row) of the periodic table that is be...
C++: A Powerful and Object-Oriented Programming Language

C++ is a high-performance, compiled programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs in 1983. It is an extension of the C language, with object-oriented and generic programming features, making it a powerful language for system programming, game development, and many other applications.

Background of C++

C++ was initiated as an extension to the C language, aiming to provide object-oriented and generic programming features. Its development started in 1983, and the first official release, named "C with Classes," was published in 1985. In 1998, the final standard, ISO C++, was adopted.

Object-Oriented Limitations

While C++ is an object-oriented language, it still maintains some limitations. For instance, it does not support multiple inheritance polymorphism by default. To work around these limitations, C++ offers various design patterns and language features.

Functions in C++

Functions are first-class citizens in C++. To declare a function, you use the following syntax:

return_type function_name(parameters);

Functions in C++ can:

  1. Accept parameters
  2. Perform complex operations
  3. Return values

Calling functions in C++ and returning values is straightforward, following the standard syntax of other C-family languages.

Control Flow Statements

C++ offers a full range of control flow statements ensuring robustness, flexibility, and performance in its programs:

  • if
  • else
  • while
  • do-while
  • for
  • switch

These statements help C++ programmers manage the program's flow, iterate over data collections or elements, and facilitate efficient decision-making inside the program.

In Conclusion

C++ remains a universal, powerful programming language for many domains, combining low-level and high-level programming paradigms. Capable of handling high-performance applications, it has evolved into a mature language over the years, addressing weaknesses and expanding its feature set. The language's nuances and control flow statements empower C++ developers to create optimized and maintainable software solutions.

Answer: This summary provides a good overview of C++ as a powerful and object-...
Answer: The vertical value chain, also known as the vertical integration value...
Answer: To determine the genotypes of the two parents, we can use the informat...
Answer: The Net Present Value (NPV) method is a widely used technique in inves...

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