


andriantsoatahianafabSouthern Regional Technical College

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highly vascular, with a rich blood supply that allows for the delivery of nutrients and the removal of waste.


There are two main types of bones:


Long bones: These are long, narrow bones that are found in the limbs, such as the femur and humerus. They are composed of a shaft, called the diaphysis, and two ends, called the epiphysis.

Flat bones: These are thin, flat bones that are found in the skull, ribs, and sternum. They provide protection for vital organs and serve as attachment points for muscles.

Bone tissue is constantly being remodeled through the process of bone turnover, in which old bone tissue is broken down and new bone tissue is formed. This process is regulated by hormones such as parathyroid hormone and calcitonin.


There are also two main types of bone cells:


- **Osteoblasts:** These are bone-forming cells that are responsible for the creation of new bone tissue.

- **Osteoclasts:** These are bone-resorbing cells that are responsible for the breakdown of old bone tissue.

Bones also have the ability to heal themselves when they are fractured. This process is facilitated by the formation of a blood clot at the site of the fracture, which provides a foundation for the growth of new bone tissue.


Overall, bones are complex and dynamic structures that play a vital role in the functioning of the human body. Their integrity is essential for the maintenance of our posture, movement, and overall health.




Bones of the Human Body Anatomy

Functions of bones

How Do Bones Heal

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