IMED3001 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Respiratory Disease, Pulmonary Pleurae, Bronchus

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Questions / recap: thespectrum of respiratory tract disease, what do we mean by obstructive and restrictive, features of the main obstructive lung diseases, features of the main restrictive lung diseases, lung disease and the environment. Rv (deoxygenated blood) pulmonary trunk right and left. Pulmonary arteries further lobar and segmental branches, (follow the subdivisions of the bronchial airways) pulmonary capillaries (which wrap around alveoli and feed to pulmonary veins left atrium) The alveoli are entirely supplied by the pas. (tissues of the lung, ln, bronchi, visceral pleura) 2 (superior and inferior) for l lung: arise from descending aorta. 1 for the r lung may arise from: Aorta (from common trunk with right 3rd posterior intercostal artery) Any of the right intercostals, subclavian or internal thoracic arteries. Run as far as the small bronchioles where they form capillary networks. (and then to azygous veins rv) Adultscanlose bronchial arterial circulation without compromising blood flow too much.