SSEH2270 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Group Conflict

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An evaluation (usually plus or minus) of one"s response to the standards of the performance comparison. Success or failure influences future involvement in competitive sport. The consequences of a competitive process feed back into the loop. Thus, a negative evaluation of performance may inhibit future involvement in competitive environments. Cyclists were faster alongside or in competition with another cyclist than when racing alone against the clock. Competition group students were self-centred, directed efforts at beating others, had closed communication, and exhibited group conflict and distrust. Cooperation group students communicated openly, shared information, developed friendships, and solved more puzzles. Triplett attempted to duplicate his findings in a laboratory environment with children and fishing reels. Found increased performance when in the presence of others. Research in 1937 indicated that ants, when operating in surrounds of other ants, dig sand at three times the rate of ants operating alone.