PSYC 2500 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Abstraction, Object Permanence, Dual Representation

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Chapter 4/lecture 4: theories of cognitive development: developmental theories provide a framework for understanding important phenomena, developmental theories raise crucial questions about human nature, developmental theories lead to a better understanding of children. The fundamental assumption was that they are mentally and physically active from the moment of birth, and their activity greatly contributes to their own development. The second assumption is that children learn many important lessons on their own without adults. The third is that children are intrinsically motivated to learn and do not need rewards from other people to do so. Why do we still devote so much time to piaget: piaget addressed fundamental issues one of the first researchers to become systematic in his research, the theory had exceptional breadth and very comprehensive. His theory spanned through from birth to adulthood: piaget made a number of very interesting observations, the questions that he asked still inspire research in the area of children"s development.