ECON-1006EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Formal System

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A panel gives an opinion on the candidates" suitability. 255 tfeu 7 candidates chosen from among: former member of the court of justice and general court, members of national supreme courts, lawyers of recognized competence (1 proposed by european parliament) The council establishes the panel"s operating rules and appoints its members. Appointment of the members by common accord of the governments of member states. 253 254 tfeu: members must be independent and highly qualified. Term of 6 years every 3 years partial replacement of judges and ag"s. Rule on actions brought by a member state, institution or natural/legal person(s) Rule in cases provided for in the treaties. There is no formal system of precedent but cjeu tries to maintain consistency in judgements. Jurisdiction is excluded in: provisions relating to the common foreign and security policy, and acts adopted on the basis of those provisions art.