ECON-1006EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Single European Act, Judicial Activism, Preliminary Ruling

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The court of justice of the european union. Not european court of justice" any more. Not an appeals court for national judgements, no hierarchical relationship do not. The court of justice of the european union shall include the court of justice, the. It shall ensure that in the interpretation and application of the treaties the law is observed". 252 tfeu: 8 advocates-general, council can increase number with unanimous decision (currently: 11) 253: judges and ags shall be chosen from persons whose independence is beyond doubt" and who have the qualification for the highest judicial o ices in their countries: appointed by common accord of the governments of the member states. 254 tfeu: president of the court elected by the judges for three years. French as working language, proceedings can be held in all 23 o icial languages (+ irish) No parallel in the uk"s legal system.