ECON-1006EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Preliminary Ruling, Wien Mitte Railway Station, Common Foreign And Security Policy

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Document Summary

Most important procedure, jewel in the crown of the court"s jurisdiction" (craig & de burca) Introduced to prevent the development of different understandings of european law. The cj is not the final court of appeal of the member states! Partnership role: national courts apply law, cj interprets it. National courts or tribunals adjourns and submit questions to the cj, cj provides. When a decision on the question is necessary for the judgment, normal courts and tribunals may refer", courts of last instance shall" refer. Interpretation of the treaties": teu, tfeu, charter of fundamental rights, limited jurisdiction or non at all in many areas of cfsp and jha matters . The validity and interpretation of acts of the institutions, bodies, o ices or agencies of the union": secondary legislation (regulations, directives, decisions, also recommendations and opinions) Important: also validity of those acts: national courts cannot question the validity of those acts foto-frost v.