CMST 1A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mind Control, Coconut Water, Social Capital

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What is persuasion? persuasion is not coercive persuasion is usually incremental persuasion is usually shaped around a message persuasion is interactive persuasion can be ethical. Different types of persuasion propositions of fact: it has been prove that smoking causes cancer propositions of value, we are stronger united than divided propositions of policy, it is against canadian policy to torture prisoners. Different outcomes of persuasion convincing: bring someone over to your view of something activating, getting someone to act on your behalf or on behalf of a cause you represent. Persuasive techniques foot-in-the-door door-in-the-face social exchange low-balling cognitive dissonance that"s-not-all fear-then-relief. What"s the purpose: awareness, appreciation, or action. Who is your audience: proximity, demographics, psychographics. Who is your spokesperson: competence, character, charisma. What"s your message: should relate to the purpose. What"s your channel: face-to-face, mediated, social, build metrics in to show impacts of your creativity how will you know you achieve your purpose, measurement and evaluation.