COLLAB 2N03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jargon, Equity Theory, Social Loafing

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4-25 7 questions: read what an organization is, whys it important, goals of ob, continuum, contingency approach. 21-25 one big clump of stuff: trends and issues facing managers today. Chapter 2 44-53 personality, values and attitude, 8 questions: what is it? (attitude, what is the connection between personality and ob. 5 factors: self monitoring, self esteem, positive and negative affect, difference between self esteem and self-efficacy. Chapter 4 values attudes and work behaviour (6 questions: definition of value, generational differences (121 exhibit 4. 1, could be specific, hoffsteads study and implications on (exhibit 4. 4, definition of an attitude. Job satisfaction, organization commitment: different between facet and overall, determinants and consequences (page 128-133) Chapter 3 pages 82-108 perception 20 questions: what is it, social identity theory. Chapter 5 and 6 (motivation and motivation in action) Term to describe managerial technique that embeds goal setting principals. Chapter 11 386-411 9 questions: rational or bounded. 7 questions on goups: means/ends forming a group.