ENVIRSC 1G03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Stratovolcano, Subduction, Aphanite

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Definition - naturally occurring, solid crystalline substances, inorganic, w/ de nite chemical compositions and orderly internal atomic arrangments. Composition instrusive - the rock cooled slowly below the earth"s surface; coarse-grained extrusive - the rock cooled quickly above the earth"s surface; ne-grained. Textures phaneritic - minerals are visilbe to naked eye (large) + intrusive aphanitic - minerals are too small to see w/ naked eye + extrusive porphyritic - a mix of both ^^ Intrusive igneous rocks can be: sills - which push through layers of rock (horizontally) or dikes - cut through layers of rock (vertically) Batholiths - giant features that are obvious even at the crustal scale (googel earth or on a map) Lava basaltic (ma c) - low viscosity - can ow long distances. Andesitic - medium viscousity - does not ow very far (looks blocky) Rhyolitic - very viscous - tends to pile up.