GEOG 3LT3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Root Mean Square, Kilogram, Bilge

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Has involved beyond description, it is now concentrated with human aspect, more social concerns. Geography is interested on the things on the surface of the earth: spatial. Transportation geography is interested in movement of things and people at different scales. That interest begins with description of those movements. Place utility (imagine a perfectly homogeneous landscape) In the real world, land is not homogenous (mountains, forests, lakes). Friction (imagine a technology that allows you to move instantaneously, freely, without capacity or available constraints) We cannot move across landscape freely, 0 friction. It takes time, the cost of moving: energy, time, monetary cost, documents for country borders. Teleportation: it covers one aspect of transportation but it will not have the importance of. Ows, how it moves through space, stops (what is where). If it can move freely, all we can care about is where it stops. How does space impose constraints to movement? (ex walls, fences, documents)