GEOG 3LT3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Teleportation, Regression Analysis, Gardiner Expressway

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Geography 3LT3- Mid Term Review
2 major factors of mobility: are landscape (place based equation) and cost/mobility
(individual based equation)
regression analysis
y = a +bx
y = dependent variable - cars
b parameter = slope
x = independent variable - population
Definitions and scope:
What is geography?
Comes from "geos" and "graphy" why there is movement between certain areas things
that happen on the face of the earth things and where (relation)
What is transportation?
The movement of goods or people throughout space, sometimes it is both
Different activities of transportation:
The goods movement (things and stuff)
Movement of people
From a small scale (building) to large (across the world)
Movements of facilities
Movements between different locations in a city, regions, continental, global
Transportation Geography: invested in the movement of goods and people on
several scales
Why transportation?
Imagine a perfectly homogeneous landscape (place utility)
o(homogenous) - Transportation would not be necessary because everything
will be the same, as things will not change if you do decide to move.
Imagine a technology that allows you to move instantaneously, freely, without
capacity or availability constraints (friction)
Teleportation would still show methods and areas of transportation why people
transport where they do.
The landscape is not homogenous (mountains, forests, water, desserts), meaning
resources are concentrated
Space has friction, we cant move things across space, as it takes energy, time,
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cost, and institutional barriers (borders)
Why transportation?
- Transportation exists to overcome space
How does space impose constraints to movement?
To overcome space in the most efficient way
Topography (easier to cross the Prairies than it is to cross the Rocky Mountains)
Natural (rivers, lakes)
Artificial (wall/fence)
Institutional - something that limits movements (borders and documentation)
Roads that surround the city so that goods do not have to travel through the city
and cause more traffic
How do transportation technologies reduce the friction of space?
Transportation aims to reduce the friction of space
By increasing the speed of movement
Airplanes (does not affect friction on the earth), but the cost of the movement is
less efficient in terms of emissions
Travel in the most basic form, is our feet, we come equip with them
Bicycles are efficient and not costly
****** Shoes are the simplest of all transportation technologies******** they
can affect the way and speed that we walk at
Space-time convergence:
The amount of space that can be overcome or “purchased” within a given unit of
time increases
The amount of space that can be purchased in any type of cost is reduced
We now have better technologies available to more people
Transportation infrastructure and networks
Transportation is instrumental to achieve policy objectives
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Global space-time convergence
Five major factors have contributed to this process:
1. Speed (cars and their availability)
2. Economies of scale (produced efficiently)
3. Expansion of transport infrastructures (accumulative effect)
4. Substitution of communications for transportation (cellphones)
5. Increased efficiency of transport terminals (Purchasing online and transporting
Enabling transport:
In which ways do we pay for overcoming distance?
oThe world has become less smaller so less space/room
oFares ($ for gas, bus, trains, etc.…)
oShorter rides=less expensive; get to places for less cost
oGet to places quicker/faster ex. planes
oDifferent transportations available to different generation, ex. Oil
oFuture generations with oil will be paying more
Variations in the cost of transportation?
oOne person’s decision has effects on externalities and affects other people
to make their decisions in the future
oCertain forms of transportation cause congestion, making us pay more
oThe person that makes decisions is not always the one who pays
oWe all pay for road construction
oThe uses of this infrastructure varies
Purpose of Transportation:
Transportation is an example of a derived demand
But in some cases “getting there is half the fun”
Makes things more valuable
Travel is not only for travel, but to get to a destination (value)
Travel for exercise (walking, biking)
oActive vs. Motorized
Manifestation of transportation:
oHierarchical (cities)
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Document Summary

2 major factors of mobility: are landscape (place based equation) and cost/mobility (individual based equation) regression analysis y = a +bx y = dependent variable - cars parameter = slope x = independent variable - population. Comes from geos and graphy why there is movement between certain areas things that happen on the face of the earth things and where (relation) The movement of goods or people throughout space, sometimes it is both. Different activities of transportation: the goods movement (things and stuff, movement of people, from a small scale (building) to large (across the world, movements of facilities, movements between different locations in a city, regions, continental, global scales. Transportation geography: invested in the movement of goods and people on several scales. Imagine a perfectly homogeneous landscape (place utility: (homogenous) - transportation would not be necessary because everything will be the same, as things will not change if you do decide to move.