LIFESCI 2N03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Scurvy, Folic Acid, Vitamin A

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Rda for carbohydrates is 130g/day (this is the amount of glucose required by the brain) Rda for sugar - no more than 25% of total energy intake (according to who this should be less than 10%) Fibre - rda = 14g/ 1000kcal per day. People with cvd: consume less than 200mg/day of cholesterol. People without cvd: consume less than 300mg/day. No rda or ul for fat, data were insufficient to determine level for total fat that would prevent disease. Newborns age 0-1 years, ai set at 30-31g/day. Amdr = 10- 35% total kcal/day (protein) 18mg/day for women (women need more iron because they lose a lot in blood during menstruation) Ul: 45 mg/day for both men and women. For vegetarians, recommended to consume 1. 3-1-8 g/kg/day of plant protein in order to get all the 9 essential amino acids that animal protein provides. For vegetarians, the requirements for iron are 1. 8 times higher.