MEDRADSC 1B03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Tunica Vaginalis, Vaginal Process, Varicocele

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Male: cryptorchidism, hydrocele, varicocele, bph, testicular carcinoma. Cryptorchidism: unilateral or bilateral undescended testes, testes develop in the abdominal cavity during the fetal life and should descend into the scrotum. 7-9th month of gestation: most common in premature and low birth weight infants, spontaneous descent rarely after. Idiopathic: hormonal, genetic, short spermatic cord, s/s, absence of testes in scrotum, risks: Leiomyoma: endometriosis, ovarian cysts, cervical carcinoma, breast carcinoma, diagnosis, u/s, laparoscopic exam, gonadal arteriography and venography, malignancy (testicular cancer, treatment, orchiopexy (surgery, 6mths-2yrs) Hydrocele: excessive fluid accumulates between layers of tunica vaginalis (peritoneal covering) Congenital (primary: outpouching of the peritoneum (patent processus vaginalis, s/s, cystic mass in scrotum, painless swelling. Infection/ inflammation/ irritation: malignancy, trauma, diagnosis, u/s, treatment, aspiration, surgery (depending on cause, dilation of veins in the pampiniform plexus of veins (a network of veins draining the testes, more common on left side.