[SOCIOL 2I03] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 46 pages long Study Guide!

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Lecture 2-5 classic theories of organizations (jan 10-jan 27) The classic theorists and the ind rev: marx, durkheim, & weber are all in their own unique ways studied the consequences of the ind rev for. His theoretical work: volumes of capital. Subdivided on one of hand, the means of production (property utilized in prod e. g. land, raw materials, technology, and buildings) Exploitation: a process thru which the propertied class appropriates the labour effort of the property-less class for its own material advantage (tied with concept of alienation). There are two concepts included: the commodity & its properties, commodity: the basic unit of capitalist prod. Use value: value of a commodity to satisfy a human want e. g. an automobile b/c it satisfies a popular want (they want the luxury of transportation: exploitation and the mode of production, slavery. Under capitalist mode of prod, exploitation simply just involves creation of surplus.