SOCPSY 1Z03 Study Guide - Final Guide: 2011 England Riots, Deferral, Stamen

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Document Summary

Definition: the systematic study of the nature and causes of human social behaviour. interplay between the individual aspects and traits and social process (do/ be good or bad?) Relationship and structures: stimuli and behaviour theory: testable predictable. Individuals strive to hold ideas that are consistent with one another rather than ideas that are inconsistent or incongruous. If a person holds several ideas that are incongruous or inconsistent, then he/she will experience internal conflict: limitations: simplifies the way people process information: and inherently complex phenomenon. Must be inferred: symbolic interaction theory : human nature and social order are products of symbolic communication among people. Overemphasizes rational, self-conscious thought and deemphasises unconscious and emotional states. Individuals are depicted as a specific personality type: other-directed that meeting others" standard. Independent variable: has an effect on other variable. Dependent variable: the outcome be caused by independent. Extraneous variable: might account for the relationship between independent and dependent.