[ARTH 120] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (29 pages long)

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Humans have an impulse to imitate the world around them now if looks could last . Ex/ brancusi torso of a young man is the idealized body of a boy in abstract version , since brancusi was more focused on the essence of things rather than strict visual appearance. Ex/ raphael could not find a woman beautiful enough to pose as galaeta so he took parts of a bunch of woman to create an ideal. Realism (exactitude): movement in 19th c. in us &europe that focused on ordinary life over fantasy ex/farms, devotion to appearance, the accurate rendition of the surfaces of people, places & things (also known as. Eliminating blemished were mere surface features that get the viewer distracted from penetrating the visible surface to see the elevated ideal within (often used for nobility & leadership) A highly realistic work can contain idealistic elements and idealistic works could contain realistic elements.