SOCY 273- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 41 pages long!)

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Document Summary

The systematic study of the development, structure and function of society. Is a society"s unique patterns of behaviour and beliefs. Include language, symbols, values and beliefs, norms and material artifacts. Each culture gives difference meanings to the thoughts, feelings and behaviour of its members. Helps us to see the impact of norms, roles, statuses and culture, among other things, i our individual lives. Helps us to see the impact of society in our lives and to recognize that solutions need to come from changes to institutions and roles available to us. To see our lives in the context of the history, culture, and social structure of the larger society within which we live. Society exists in the norms, values, statuses, roles and groups to which we belong. These things guide our internal though processes and our. These things guide our internal though processes and our interactions with other people.