PSY 102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Classical Conditioning, Iconic Memory, Sensory Memory

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12 from chapters 1-6 (on specific topics to be discussed next) 2 short-answer questions out of 3 options (1 each from chapters 7 and 8, and 1 cumulative, 10 marks) Psychology as a science (what makes something a science?) Scientific psychology: process based approach, not concerned with individuals but group norms. Deterministic view that behaviour can be explained in terms of biological, electrical and mechanical changes in the brain. Humanistic psychology: we can predict behaviour, not through deterministic laws, but based on common culture, values, language, development and attitudes. Science is not a body of knowledge; it is an approach to knowledge. Knowledge should be acquired through observation: observations are refined, theories are generated, and specific hypotheses are tested to determined if they are accurate. Historical schools of psychology (structuralism, functionalism, behaviourism, psychoanalysis) C(cid:396)eated a (cid:862)pe(cid:396)iodi(cid:272) ta(cid:271)le(cid:863) of ele(cid:373)e(cid:374)ts of consciousness. Application of evolutionary theory in modern psychology. Identify the functions or purposes of psychological characteristics.