PSY 102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Acetylcholine, Digestion, Neural Adaptation

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Psychology as a science (what makes something a science?) How did psych successfully join the scientific community? scientific method. What happens during an action potential (where are the neurotransmitters released into?) Neurotransmitters (the difference between an agonist and an antagonist) Vision: how light is processed by the eye (what thing controls how much light enters the eye answer: iris - expands and contracts, rods and cones are found on the retina) Stages of sleep (which stage has biggest impact on sleep deprivation) Classical vs operant conditioning (basic differences, know how to distinguish from description) 2 short answer out of 3 options (1 each from chapters 7 and 8, 1 cumulative, 10 marks) Elizabeth loftus"s work, misinformation effect, false memories, eyewitness testimony. Do not say she used people who witnessed actual car crashes! Babies imitate words like mama and dada. Students dismaying inability to tell fake news from real news.