SA 150 Study Guide - Final Guide: Northern Ontario, Fatalism, Livingsocial

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Sociology - the study of the rules of people when they come together sociological perspective - Seeing the general in the particular - seeing general social patterns in particular social groups, society in people, seeing how society acts differently with people, age, gender, race, sexuality. Seeing the strange in the familiar - strange fact that society shapes the familiar, ourselves, you don"t reside in you, you reside in society, it makes you into the person you are. No social connections, less likely to have social bonds, attachment, less likely to depend on others, who values me for friendship or money. When society fails to create social bonds rates of suicide increase - times of transmission sociological imagination. Quality of mind by which we (link individual troubles to social life, private lives to public. Attawapislait crisis, april 9 2016 (northern ontario) (cree community) 11 attempts of suicide on a single day.