HK 4340 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mitochondrial Biogenesis, P38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases, Vo2 Max

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The metabolism shifts so that the inhibition of pfk decreases the amount of amp and the pcr, where phos is also inhibited by the amp (?) and the pdh is inhibited. Instead, we get a shift to beta oxidation with fatty acyl coa produced as a by-product. When trained, athletes end up with more of glycogen left towards the end of the race (use a decreased rate of glycogen) and use adp as energy: training increases the reliance on fat metabolism. An increase in mitochondrial content improves mitochondrial sensitivity. As the vo2 max increases, the number of mitochondria from biogenesis increase from training adaptations. With this, less atp is needed and so cho is relied on less and fat is relied on more so. Elite athletes tend to have higher mitochondrial content to begin with anyways: believed that the increase in mitochondrial content results in less of the adp.