CRWR 209- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 21 pages long!)

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13 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Crwr 209 - lecture 2 genre & beginnings. What are the six differences between popular and literary fiction: popular fiction tells a great story that has a lasting effect on the reader. Fiction that seeks to challenge, subvert or experiment with elements of language, form, structure, content or narrative convention: concern itself with a story"s meaning, not just its events. Does not mean (cid:498)no rules(cid:499), but rather that you know the rules and have concrete. Before you experiment, you must build a strong foundation in craft you must understand what you"re subverting in order to subvert it intelligently stylistic, thematic or philosophical reasons for breaking them. ), characters that speak to you, world you imagine, life questions you have that can"t be easily answered, things you seek to understand (poverty, cruelty, jealousy, etc. ) Opening sentences should do these four things: create tension, raise questions, establish a narrative voice, hint at the type of story that will follow.