SOC 2104 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ovulation, Female Genital Mutilation, Khanith

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The two tasks of any study of gender is to explain difference and dominance (or inequality). Perceived differences between men and women which leads to division of labor, division of tasks (men getting more), and the use of gender on the basis of difference between people. Men typically get to define what is work and how resources are distributed, leading to a continuation of historical trends in inequality. Two schools of thought pertaining to gender differences: biological determinism and differential socialization. Most arguments about gender differences begin with biology. Sex differences are anatomical, hormonal, chemical, and physical but there are ranges of maleness and femaleness. Sex is the biological apparatus chromosomal, chemical, and anatomical organization. The biological is arguably less political than gender. (but maybe not because of transgender?) Cultural interpretation is important in interpreting your sex and gender -- your location effects your perception.