ANTC67H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Helminths, Normal Distribution, Antibody

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Endemic constant presence of disease within an area. Epidemic occurrence of illness in an area. Spread, #case, case fatality, and area be recorded. Studied everything but didn t think of people that did not get cholera. (original group) Bills of mortality: collecting a systematic record of death. Life table: life expectancy at birth: women live longer because they are biologically and genetically stronger, the life graph will look like u. If you are very young and very old, you are more likely to die early. Systematic classification of diseases: air/water/food/sexually transmitted, disease nosology (study of disease) Baby around that age gets teeth, so you will wean the child so they eat other artificial food substitutes - exposed to pathogens to diarrhea. 1798 smallpox/cowpox (still exists in research labs for research purposes, it has been eradicated but not totally. ) 1866 67 (14,000 deaths: case fatality rate of 40-60, death within hours, caused by vibrio cholerae.