JAV132H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Leo Von Klenze, Shanty Town, John C. Portman Jr.

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8 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Florence 1500 as a gift - a modern way of capitalism. Relatively wealthy - banking system was being invented. The interest they were charging was seen as a sin and was able to showcase this. The skyline of the city hasn"t really changed. During that period it had two big states and kingdoms. In the middle of the 14th century there was a enormous plague - bubonic. 1415 filippo brunelleschi inventor of linear pov - described by leon alberti. 1450 invention of printing press - johannes gutenberg. Alberti de(cid:214)ned the architect as the designer of architecture. *only three of them worked in florence: palladio. Signature building in the city-state of florence. Designed by di cambio, an important architect in florence at the time. A seat of power, changed several times. Arnolfo di cambio,nave of the cathedral, 1296- 1367. When it was completed the church had no dome. A mature architect can only work on it -- he was ripe.