HIS109Y1 Final: History Notes 3

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The immediate cause was the assassination of archduke franz ferdinand in 1914. He was not assassinated by an anarchist but by a serbian nationalist. They thought it was the state of serbia that was behind the assassination. In july of 1914, the austro-hungarians sent an ultimatum to the serbs. Russia complicated the matter by declaring that it could not stand by and watch the humiliation of a slav and orthodox state by a catholic empire. The french spoke to the russians and said the austro-hungarians could not have total reign. 1914, europe had divided into two large blocks: the triple alliance, and the triple entente. Germany could not allow an alliance between france and russia because they would have to fight on two fronts. In offering her support, germany was interpreted by the austrians of giving full military assistance despite consequences. They probably did not mean this at all, but despite that, they didn"t want the austro-