Biology 2483A Study Guide - Beltian Body, Treehopper, Cleaner Fish

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Fungi cultivating ants- ant farmers feed fungi leaves by scraping away a waxy covering, & fertilize fungi & fungi digest chemicals in plants then ants eat the fungi. Ants cant survive when a parasite destroys the fungi they respond by increasing weeding rate. 3rd mutualist ants carry a bacterium that inhibits the fungal parasite. Symbiosis- a relationship in which 2 species live in close physiological contact (parasitism +/-, mutualism or commmensalim. Positive interactions (aka facilitation)- nethier is harmed, atleast one benefits. Commensalism (+/0) eg. buffalo walks and grasshoppers come out, seagulls can pick out. Sometimes there is a cost to one or both, but net effect is positive. Mycorrhizae- association between plant roots & fungi: ecomycorhizae- fungus between root cells & forms a sheath around root, arbuscular mycrorrhizae- penetrates into some root cells, but extends away from root. Corals- protect, provide nutrients (p & n), sunlight. Bacteria in gut of animals to digest for them.