[History 2132A/B] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 29 pages long Study Guide!

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Area where webs of meaning reflecting how we conceive of the world around. General process of intellectual, spiritual and aesthetic development. Folk culture is the opposite of high culture and cannot be shared by a large group of people. Requires urbanization (mass production, spreads quicker, creates working class that can enjoy it) Cultural practices or artifacts with relatively wide shared meaning that transcend race and class. Can charge hearts, minds and behaviour- a relevant example is the election in the us. It is accessible to everyone an everyone has to deal/ interact with it. It opens up windows to understanding different aspect of society and gives the oppressed a voice. African/americans most influential on american pop culture. Initial elite resistance (don"t like masque consumerism and try to resist. Elite co-optation (what was once not accepted becomes acceptable again, the elites team up) Blurring of class lines (expand/ contract- distance shrinks ---- counter culture is a great example)