History 2181A/B- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 16 pages long!)

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The church ruled everything when it cam to sex and sexuality. Classical period (advent christianity, right before christianity) aka ancient greece. Throughout most of this time, what these periods had in common was the church was the greatest unrivaled influence in terms of ideas and practices about sex. Period between 800 bc 500 bc (common era) It was a patriarchal culture, patriarchal means rule of the father , which is another way of saying the men ran everything. Greece was a patriarchal culture, men ruled the politics, civic and business life, and they ruled the home. Men were generally recognized as having strong sexual urges. Male"s sexual activity was seen as completely normal. There wasn"t much concern for female sexual pleasure at this time. Free men, men who were not slaves at this time, had a lot of sexual freedom. They were supposed to be monogamous (between one man and one women, and stayed faithful to each other).