Kinesiology 4474A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Abducens Nerve, Semantic Memory, Amyloid

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Physical activity and exercise guidelines for older adults: cognition review. Health related component: cardiovascular fitness, respiratory fitness, musculoskeletal fitness, body composition, cognition. Skills related component: agility/coordination, balance, speed, power, reaction time. Normal aging (primary: changes in cognition, motor function, and the sense (vision, hearing, smell, taste, can change and not effect function. Involves the acquisition, storage, retrieval, use of knowledge. Brain function/information processing: processing speed, visuospatial processing, controlled processing, executive processing. All enable us to make decisions and carry out behaviours. Functional changes: structural causing functional, vary from person to person. Normal aging and the brain structural changes. Loss of brain volume (10% of weight: between ages of 20-90. White matter, gray matter especially in the hippocampus and frontal lobes: see a definite change here. Increase in ventricular volume, taking up more space than the actual neurons. Loss of myelin, synapses and dendritic arbor: dendrites and synapses reduced up to 20% in certain regions.