Kinesiology 4474A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Depth Perception, Motor Neuron, Nerve Conduction Velocity

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Physical activity and exercise guidelines for older adults: sensory review. Part of nervous system consisting of sensory receptors that receive stimuli from internal and external environment, neural pathways that conduct this information to brain and parts of brain that processes this information. The information is called sensory information and it may or may not lead to conscious awareness if it does, it can be called sensation. Vision shows the second greatest decline: most important in ability to interact with the environment. Proprioception: all show signs of aging. Vision: layout of surrounding environment, position of limbs relative to other limbs, position of body relative to objects and space, navigation during locomotion, anticipation of surface changes, avoidance of obstacles during locomotion. Not all older people have impaired vision. Loss of ability to see items that are close up begins in the 40"s. Size of pupil grows smaller with age: focusing becomes less accurate.