Kinesiology 4474A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Linear Interpolation, Recall Bias, Odds Ratio

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Exposure drinking, disease fatty liver for heavy drinkers (more so than moderate & abstained drinkers) Epidemiology can also work the other way around. i. e. doing a test on adults to find that half the people are diagnosed with fatty liver disease and ask what their drinking habits were when they were younger. Adults will say excessive, moderate or that they"ve abstained. Epidemiological studies talk about prevalence (how often a disease occurs) and incidence/occurrence (rate of new disease), expressed in person years. Distribution related to the frequency and pattern of disease occurrence in a population. Frequency: prevalence or how often the disease occurs i. e. 1996 prevalence of cardiovascular disease was 25% of the popln (58,800,000 people, incidence and occurrence. The rate of new diseases or health events i. e. in 2001, the mortality for cardiovascular disease was 304 in 100,000 individuals in the us.