Psychology 2010A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Behavioral Neuroscience, Individual Psychological Assessment, Physiognomy

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Inductive approach observations systematically collected and concepts developed based on what the data reveal (systematic empirical research: analogies/concepts from related disciplines, structure and function of brain fmri magnetic fields observe ongoing activity. Applied to abnormal personalities to search for reasons for disorders. Pictures of brain allow new ways to explore its psych organization. Certain personality models become doubtful if inconsistent with knowledge of brain: anthropologists info on human evolution and cultural differences. Social nature exists across time and space. Interactionist understanding we are different selves in different situations: clear now the brain has complex hidden subsystems (freud"s hypothesis, temperament emotional and motivational nature strongly influenced by multiple bio factors. Inappropriate to perpetual notions not supported by concrete evidence. 20th century scientific and philosophical forces that gave birth of personality psychology. Brief history of personality psychology: freud the interpretation of dreams published in 1900, personality psychology only a century old w/ roots back through human history.