REL-1110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Irreducible Complexity, Consequentialism, Teleological Argument

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19 Aug 2016

Document Summary

Henotheism- belief there are many gods but you only worship one. Pantheism- universe is god; extent of universe=extent of god. Panentheism- god is the universe and then some. Deism- god created the universe, that is all. Atheism- position that there are no gods, no heavens. Agnosticism- cannot prove if god(s) does or doesn"t exist: weak- i don"t know personally, but maybe someone else does , strong- i don"t know; neither does anyone else . Operates as an atheist, believes every religious community is based on human construction, not revelation. You can have morals, meaning, and purpose without a god. Atheists embrace naturalism aka physicalism aka materialism idea that what exists at the end of the day is physical stuff from which consciousness arises from complex matter; matter first, then mind, consciousness is neuro activity. Bad evidence: points toward theism (hearsay, private testimony/witness, authority) Good evidence: points towards atheism (public, empirical)